Flashcards - The Best Ever Solution for Not Forgetting What You've Studied

What are flashcards?

If you’re reading this article, you clearly care about being awesome at high school, college, or even at university. And a big part of that is getting the grades you want. However, it can be hard to improve your grades while using the regular study routine followed by most students, holding the book and a pencil and start keeping and memorizing bla bla bla.. I personally have other things I'd rather do than spend hours studying each night. Thankfully, it’s now possible to me to improve my grades and spend less time studying, and you too will be able to achieve that. You just need to approach your studies the right way. In this article I will tell you about one of the most effective learning tools which will help you with your studies, spend less time studying, and skyrocket your grades. This Amazing tool is called "Flashcards"

What are flashcards?

Flashcards are simply small note cards containing information on both sides. Each flashcard holds a question on one side and an answer to that question on the other. This may include names, vocabulary, concepts, historical dates, formulas, mathematical equations, or any subject that can be learned via a question-and-answer format.

For example, one side of the card may say, “What is the third law of Newton?", and the other side, “The action and reaction forces between interacting bodies are equal in magnitude, opposite in direction, and are collinear”

Why are flashcards important to you?

Flashcards are an incredibly powerful learning tool used for testing and memorizing information in an effective way based on "the spaced repetition technique" which is one of the most efficient and effective learning strategies out there. Spaced repetition is an evidence-based learning technique which is based on increasing time intervals between each review of a flashcard in order to take advantage of the psychological spacing effect. The use of spaced repetition technique in studying has been shown to increase rate and quality of learning. In other words, flashcards through the spaced repetition technique will enable you to transmit the information you want to your long-term memory, therefore; retain this information for a long time and never forget it.

Types of flashcards and how to make them?

Flashcards can be classified into two main types: Physical flashcards (created by pens and small papers), and Virtual flashcards (created by a computer software or apps).

Advantages and disadvantages of each type

The biggest advantage of the physical flashcards is that you really enjoy creating them. The process of using different colorful pens, small colorful or even plain and simple index cards (that are around 3-by-5 inches in size) is full of fun. You can add you distinctive drawings and shapes to them. There are no limits in this aspect. Eventually, you will have a bunch of colorful and informative cards which you can keep in small categorized boxes and review them on an increasing time intervals according to "Leitner system". However; If your handwriting is not good, or you can't draw very well, you will not properly like the idea of creating Physical flashcards. On the other hand; this type of flashcards require a lot of time to create, and they are inflexible. Once you have created them, you can't modify them. Moreover; It is impractical to carry Physical flashcards with you everywhere you go especially if you own many.

Virtual flashcards, on the other hand, are more flexible. They are easier to create and modify. Moreover; You can reach them from either your personal laptop, smartphone, or any other supported device. Therefore; you can create and review them anytime, anywhere. They are with you wherever you go. It is true that creating virtual flashcards is less fun than creating physical flashcards. However; virtual flashcards have powerful advantages over physical flashcards. Therefore; I personally prefer and use virtual flashcards.

Flashcards making websites

There is a wide range of flashcards making websites (including open source and online services), most of which have supported apps on both Android and App Store. Here is a list of the best flashcards making websites:

  1. Quizlet (Click here to sign up for Quizlet)
  2. Chegg
  3. StudyStack
  4. Cram
  5. AnkiWeb

I am currently using "AnkiWeb" which is an open source software along with their application on Android "Ankidroid". I have made many virtual flashcards on different subjects such as Thermodynamics, Heat Transfer, Mechanics of Materials, Research Mythology (Arabic), Control Systems … etc. This helped me a lot in mastering these subjects.

I have also made, what I prefer to call, "Compact informative flashcards" which are flashcards containing information about a specific subject. You can download them for free from my "Informative Scientific Flashcards Board" on Pinterest. If you want to access that board, click here. It is FREE

Whether a physical or virtual, what makes a flashcard good

  1. Add words, photos, and Figures to it.
  2. Keep it simple. It is highly recommended to have only one question or fact one each one of flashcards. Write down each question on one side of the flashcard, and the answer on the other side. In this way, you're guaranteeing that you're getting each one ,when reviewing, either right or wrong and that's gonna help you to study the ones you got wrong more efficiently.
  3. Break complex concepts or questions down into simpler questions.

Where to download pre-made flashcards?

There are tens of online communities where you can upload and download pre-made decks (a group of flashcards about a specific subject). Then, you can study and review them. You can even modify them if you want. Here are some of the best resources:

  1. Anki flashcards Database: (Link)
    Here you can find hundreds of Decks in different categories: Arabic, Chinese, English, French, German, Hebrew, Japanese, Korean, Russian, Spanish, Anatomy, Biology, Chemistry, Geography, History, Law, Math, Music, Pathology, Physics …etc

  2. Chegg flashcards Database: (Link)
    This Database is huge. You can find flashcards in different categories: Accounting, Allied Health, Anthropology, Arts, Biology, Business, Chemistry, Communications And Journalism, Computer Science, Earth Science, Economics, Finance, History, Languages And Literatures, Law, Management, Marketing, Medicine And Health, Nursing, Pharmacy, Political Science, Psychology, Religion, Sociology, Vocational Education, and much more…

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